Translated by Sir Roger L'Estrange

AEsop's Invention to bring his Mistress back again to her
Husband, after she had left him


The Wife of Xanthus was well born and wealthy, but so proud
and domineering withal, as if her Fortune and her Extraction had
entitled her to the Breeches. She was horribly bold, medling, and
expensive, (as that sort of Women commonly are) easily put off the
Hooks, and monstrous hard to be pleased again, perpetually chat-
tering at her Husband, and upon all Occasions of Controversy,
threatning him to be gone. It came to this at last, that Xanthus's
Stock of Patience being quite spent, he took up a resolution of
going another way to work with her, and of trying a Course of
Severity, since there was nothing to be done with her by Kindness.
But this Experiment, instead of mending the Matter, made it
worse; for upon harder Usage, the Woman grew desperate, and
went away from him in earnest. She was as bad, 'tis true, as bad
might well be, and yet Xanthus had a kind of hankering for her
still; beside that there was Matter of Interest in the Case; and a
pestilent Tongue she had, that the poor Husband dreaded above
all things under the Sun. But the Man was willing however to
make the best of a bad Game, and so his Wits and his Friends were
set at work, in the fairest manner that might be, to get her home
again. But there was no good to be done in't it seems; and Xanthus
was so visibly out of Humour upon't, that AEsop in pure pity
bethought himself immediately how to comfort him. Come Master,
says he, pluck up a good heart; for I have a Project in my Noddle
that shall bring my Mistress to you back again, with as good a Will
as ever she went from you. What does my AEsop, but away imme-
diately to the Market among the Butchers, Poulterers, Fish-
mongers, Confectioners, &c. for the best of every thing that was
in Season. Nay, he takes private People in his way too, and chops
into the very house of his Mistresses Relations, as by Mistake.
This way of proceeeding set the whole Town agog to know the
Meaning of all this Bustle; and AEsop innocently told every body
that his Master's Wife was run away from him, and he had married
another: His Friends up and down were all invited to come and
make merry with him, and this was to be the Wedding-Feast. The
News flew like Lightning, and happy were they that could carry
the first Tidings of it to the run-away Lady; (for every body knew
AEsop to be a Servant in that Family.) It gather'd in the rolling,
as all other Stories do in the telling; especially where Womens
Tongues and Passions have the spreading of them. The Wife that
was in her Nature violent and unsteady, order'd her Chariot to be
made ready immediately, and away she posts back to her Husband,
falls upon him with Outrages of Looks and Language; and after
the easing of her Mind a little, No Xanthus, says she, do not you
flatter your self with the hopes of enjoying another Woman while
I am alive. Xanthus look'd upon this as one of AEsop's Master-
pieces; and for that Bout all was well again betwixt Master and



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