Translated by Sir Roger L'Estrange

AESOP'S Answer to a Magistrate


IT happened some few Days after the last Passage above, that
Xanthus, having some Business at the publick Hall, sent AEsop to
see if there were any great throng of Men there; a Magistrate meets
him upon the Way, and asks him whither he was going?   Why
truly, says AEsop, I am going I know not whither. The Magistrate
took it that he banter'd him, and bad an Officer take him into
Custody and carry him to Prison. Well, says AEsop, to the Magi-
strate; is it not true now, that I did not know whither I was going?
Can you imagine, that when I came out of the House this Morning,
I had any Thoughts of going to Prison?   The Magistrate was well
enough pleased at the Fancy, and discharg'd him upon it, and so
he went forward to the Hall; where, among a World of People, he
saw one Man arrest another upon an Action of Debt. The Debtor
pleaded Poverty; but if he would compound for half, it should go
hard but he'd make a shift to pick it up, he said. Well, with all my
Heart, says the Creditor, lay down the Money upon the Nail, and
the Business is done: For a Man had better content himself with
half, then lose all. And I reckon on that Money as good as lost,
that a Man must go to Law for.   AEsop, upon this, went back and
told his Master that he had been at the Hall, and saw but one Man
there. This was a Riddle to Xanthus; insomuch that he went him-
self to learn the Truth of the Matter. When he came to the Place,
he found the Court extremely thronged, and turning short uopn
AEsop, in great Indignation, Sirrah, says he, are all these People
come since you told me there was but one Man here?   'Tis very
true, says AEsop, there was a huge Crowd, and yet but one Man that
I could see in that vast Multitude. This seems to be taken out of
the Life of Diogenes.



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