Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A Sleepy Dog  went to the barn, and jumped
into a manger full of hay, curling himself
up there for an afternoon nap.
   When he had been sleeping comfortably for
some time, the Oxen came in for their supper.
   Then the Dog awoke, and began  to  growl
and bark at them.
   "Stop a moment," said  one of the   Oxen.
"Do you want to eat this hay?"
   "No," said the Dog; "I shouldn't think of
such a thing."
   "Very well, then" said the Ox, "we do want
to eat it, for we are hungry and tired."
   "Oh, go away," growled the Dog, "and let
me sleep."
   "What an ugly, snappish fellow!"  said the
Ox.  "He  will  neither  eat  the hay himself,
nor let us eat it!"
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