Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

THE Cat and the Fox were once talking to-
gether in the middle of the forest.
  "I do not care what happens." said the Fox,
"for I have a thousand tricks,  any  one  of
which would get me  out  of difficulty.  But
pray, Mrs. Puss," he added, "what would you
do if there should be an invasion?"
  "I have but one course," Puss replied.  "If
that would not serve me, I should be undone."
  "I am sorry for you,"  said the Fox.   "I
would gladly teach you one or two of my
tricks, but it is not good to trust.  We  must
each take care for himself."
  These words were hardly spoken, when a
pack of hounds came upon them in full cry.
  The Cat, by her one quick and well-proved
safeguard, ran up  a  tree,  and  sat  serenely
among the branches.
  The Fox, with all his thousand tricks, had
not been able to get out of sight, and fell a
prey to the dogs.

  Safety does not always lie in numbers.

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