Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

 A Wolf,  prowling  about  to  find  something
for  supper,   heard  a  Child  crying   in   a
house,  and  the  Nurse  say,  "Stop  crying this
minute,  or  I  will throw you out of doors to the
Wolf."  Then the Wolf sat down near the door
for  a  long  time, thinking  to  himself, "Now
I shall have a good supper."
  The  Baby  cried  and  cried,  till at  last  it
went  to  sleep;  and  then  the  Wolf heard  the
Nurse  say,  "Then,  that's  a  good  Baby.  If
the naughty  old  Wolf comes for my  darling,
we'll beat him, so we will."
  The  Wolf  thought  it  was  now  time  to be
off,  and  trotted sadly  home.  On  his  way he
met  the  Fox.
  "What makes  you  look  so  sour  and  so
forlorn, my friend?"  said the Fox.
  "Don't  speak  to  me!"  growled  the  Wolf.
"I have lost my supper just because I believed
What a Nurse said to a Baby."
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