Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A  River  carried down,  in  its  stream,  two
pots,  one  made  of  Earthenware, and  the
other  of  Brass.
   The  Brass  Pot  was  disposed to be social.
"Since  We  are companions in this way, let us
be friendly," he  said.  "In union  is strength.
Though we are carried away against our will,
it   is  of  no  use to repine.  We may yet see
much good."
   But the Earthen  Pot  said,  "I  beg you not
to come so near me.  I am as much afraid of
you as of the river;  for  if  you do but touch
me ever so slightly, I shall be sure to break."

   Equals  make  the  best friends.

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